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    « 2ND Annual Naughty Office Holiday Party | Main | Valentine's Day Pajama Party Meatup »


    THURSDAY, April 29th
    149 7th Street, Brooklyn, NY

    The BK Hookup has paired up plenty of straight singles at its Meatups, but it’s high time we hooked up the hottest single queers in Brooklyn! So on April 29, we’re throwing the Big Gay Meatup: Spring Break Edition at The Bell House.

    In the front lounge, we’ll be pouring cheap fruity cocktails to get everyone in the mood. Sexy or kitschy beach attire optional, but Metromix will be there and we'll have a Spring Break photo booth (staffed by kickass photographer, Jo Ann Santangelo!) on hand with a kiddie pool and some fake palm trees. We're working on a spray tan station (though no promises!).

    In the back room, DJ WORKHORSE a.k.a. Jonny Con Carne and guests will get everyone on the dancefloor--single, taken, queer, straight, so invite anyone along. 

    And, as always, we'll do our best to ensure everyone finds their match by trying to keep the gay ladies and dudes numbers even steven.

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